Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Sketch-to-collage is a tool to aid you in the creation of image collages. You paint simple colored shaped on a canvas, and the system searches for similar images from your digital library (or database) that you can interactively select to create an image collage.

Find the binary file (Java binary) and its source code in the following address:

The purpose of this blog is to keep track of the updates of the program. I chose blogger because it's easier to maintain than other things I've tried. The original blog for this project was hosted in the homepage of my old laboratory: (it seems it's no longer there though...). You can find there some tutorials on using this application. You can also check some collages from the Gallery.

For a brief introduction on how Sketch-To-Collage works, check this video:

The video is from an older version I presented at SIGGRAPH 2007, so I don't show how to input search keywords and other stuff, but it should be self-explanatory. Additional information can also be found in other related publications, or my PhD thesis. Here are some links:

  • David Gavilan, Suguru Saito and Masayuki Nakajima. Sketch-to-collage. In SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 posters, Pages 35, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2007. PDF file (1 page), Poster in PDF
  • David Gavilan, Suguru Saito and Masayuki Nakajima. Sketch-to-collage: Query-by-sketch based image synthesis. In Proc. IEVC '07, Cairns, Australia, November 2007. PDF file (8 pages)
  • David Gavilan, Suguru Saito and Masayuki Nakajima. Query-by-Sketch Based Image Synthesis. IEICE Transactions on Informations and Systems, 2008 E91-D(9). Oxford Journals link
  • David Gavilan. Region-Based Image Abstraction for Retrieval and Synthesis. Phd Dissertation, Tokyo, Japan, January 2008. PDF file (214 pages)

Some history

This project started around 4 years ago, as part of my PhD thesis. The development stopped almost 2 years ago, when I graduated and started working. I was planning to add some features, such as accessing Flickr pictures and such, but since I'm quite busy at work I decided to release the code as Open Source, so others can check it out. It's also to check if there's any interest in the project, so I may continue developing for it.

For other projects and personal information, please visit my web site:

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